The following is important Health & Safety information for customers of Silo Marina.
Refueling in Silo Marina is permitted at any time in the week, but we recommend that you undertake it in the morning when the area is quiet. Please notify us of any planned bunkering procedures at least 24hrs before. The fuel dock at Y pier in Westhaven Marina (next door) is available 24/7 and no notification needs to be given.
No oil drums are allowed on the docks unless they sit on an oil tray. These are available to rent from 37 South, Integrated Marine Group, Marinelogix, and Superyacht Support.
With the new Health and Safety regulations firmly in place, we have an obligation to ensure every contractor has been inducted on our sites. Please ensure that any contractor you invite into the marina to work on your boat, is pre-approved by our team and registered with the marina. Click hereĀ
Cranes are allowed on Halsey Wharf, but there are strict regulations in place. Please check with us before confirming the booking to make sure the crane company is an approved provider. The crane company will need a permit before they bring the crane on site.